Game Type : Digital Game / Indie Game
Role Taken : Game Designer / Main Programmer / QA
Credits : Diong Chong Wei (Main Game Designer / Producer) | Tan MengKiat (Main Artist)
| Sky (Background + Sub Artist) | Johnathan Chan (Sound Designer)
Designed and made for the FYP project. There were a few themes given to us and we chose the theme "SIA/Panasonic", which leads our designs to be revolving around planes. Thus, Paperplane Dream is a design we came up with whereby the player will need to blow the paper plane and maintain it as long as possible in the air, without it touching the ground. The back story of this game is that an old retired man reminiscences his childhood period of playing paper plane, and when he sleeps at night, he dreamt of himself playing the paper plane as a child.
In Paperplane Dream, player will aim to get their score points as high as possible before their paper plane touches the ground. Every blow to the paper plane earn points. In addition, player can perform a strong blow, which will cause the paper plane to do stunts, allowing for more points. Strong blowing the paper plane at different angle will cause the paper plane to do different stunts and earn different points. Multipliers that allow for more points increase after a stunt is done but will also drop gradually if no stunt is done within the few seconds. A ball is spawned after a stunt is done to act as a reward to the player. The ball can be blown until it pops to enter the "Frenzy Mode".
In "Frenzy Mode", everything is sped up and player gain more points for blowing at the paper plane. If the player is able to survive in "Frenzy Mode" until it ends, the player will go into the next dream. If the player fail to survive in "Frenzy Mode", fear not, he will go back to the previous dream and continue the game. But this time, to spawn a ball to enter "Frenzy Mode" again, 3 plane stunts would need to be executed. Even if the player does not go into "Frenzy Mode", he can still get to the next dream. Other dreams will provide different background and different character costumes.
To add another level of gameplay, a "Nightmare Clock" is chasing the player. The player will need to blow at "Dreamcatchers" to slow the "Nightmare Clock" down. If the "Nightmare Clock" covers the whole game screen, the character wakes up from his dream and the player loses the game. As the score points increases, the "Nightmare Clock" will move faster, together with increment of the paper plane speed, to increase the difficulty of the game.
Are you able to find your nostalgic feeling of playing paper plane through this dream world?
Gameplay Video
Game Design Document
The GDD for the Paperplane Dream can be downloaded HERE.