Monday, April 16, 2012

Three Swines

Developed Using : Game Maker Pro 8.0 / PC
Game Type : Digital Game / Indie Game
Role Taken : Game Designer / Main Programmer / QA
Credits : Diong Chong Wei (Game Designer / Level Designer) | Tan MengKiat (Main Artist)
 | Sky (Sound Designer / Artist) | Johnathan Chan (Producer / Artist)

                                                 Download Three Swines


Designed during school holidays in 2 weeks. The theme given to us is "Fairytales". Thus Three Swines is a game that would be illustrating about the "Three Little Pigs" fairytale whereby there would be the pigs, wolf, straw, wood and brick. Three Swines is a 2D platform puzzle game whereby the player would need to think of a way to let the 3 pigs get to the house safely.

In Three Swines, player is able to take control 3 pigs and they are Strawpig, Woodpig and Brickpig. But the player can only control one pig at a time. Player changes the pig they want to control using the ZXC keys on the keyboard. As shown in their name, the 3 pigs each have their own unique ability. The strawpig is able to use his straw let other pigs bounce upwards to reach higher platforms. The woodpig is able to create long woods horizontally across to let other pigs reach further platforms. The brickpig is able to use his brick to let other pigs stand on it and jump to higher/further platforms...additionally, the brick can also be use to block the wolf. Using the 3 pigs and their individual abilites, the player would have to crack their minds to clear the level.

Are you able to bring the pigs to safety and clear the level?


Gameplay Video

Game Design Document
The GDD for the Three Swines can be downloaded HERE.

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